NCERT Biology Important points for online study.
Scientists and Related Fields
- Ernst Mayr (1904-2004) : Evolutionary Biologist
- Matthias Schleiden : German Botanist
- Julius von Sachs : German Botanist
- Theodore Schwann : British Zoologist
- Cornelius van Niel : Microbiologist
- Alfonso Corti : Italian Anatomist
- Dr. W. Dudgeon : American Missionary Teacher.
- P. Maheshwari : Indian Botanist
- Reginald C. Punnet : British Geneticist
- George Gammow : Physicist
- Alfred Wallace : Naturalist
- Lamarck : French Naturalist
- Edward Wilson : Sociobiologist.
- Paul Ehrlich : Stanford Ecologist
- Ramdeo Misra : Indian Ecologist
- Francois Jacob : Geneticist
- Jacque Monad : Biochemist
- Alexander von Humboldt : German Naturalist & Geographer
- Rene Descartes : French Philosopher,
Mathematician and Biologist. {NCERT Biology Important table}

Sizes in NCERT Biology
- Diameter of pollen grain : 25-50 micrometer.
- Diameter of RBC : 7 micrometer.
- Smallest cell : Mycoplasma (0.3 micron in length)
- Largest cell : Egg of an ostrich
- Typical eukaryotic cell : 10-20 Micron
- Typical eukaryotic plant cell : 50 micrometer
- Typical plant cell : Onion cell
- Typical eukaryotic cell cycle : Human cells in culture.
- Size of bacteria : 3-5 micron
- Typical bacteria : 1-2 micrometer
- Viruses : 0.02 – 0.2 micrometer
- Diameter of G.B. cisternae : 0.5-1 Micron
- Diameter of mitochondria : 0.2-1 µm (Average 0.5 µm)
- Length of mitochondria : 1-4.1 micron
- Length of chloroplast : 5-10 micrometer (µm)
- Width of chloroplast : 2-4 micrometer
- Length of E. coli DNA : 1.36 mm
- Length of Human DNA : 2.2 m {NCERT Biology Important points}
Experimental Materials
- Engleman experiment : Cladophora (green algae).
- Priestely experiment : Mint plant
- Van Niel experiment : Purple & green sulphur bacteria
- Mendel’s work : Garden pea (Pisum sativum).
- Hugo de Vries work on mutation : Evening primrose.
- Morgan’s work : Drosophila melanogaster.
- Griffith experiment : Streptococcus pneumoniae.
- Hershy & Chase experiment : Bacteriophage [Bacterial viruses]
- Meselson & Stahl experiment : E. coli bacteria.
- Taylor’s work : Vicia faba (faba beans)
- Melvin Calvin’s work : Algal photosynthesis {NCERT Biology Important points from }
- 1931 : Katherine Esau (United state).
- 1937 : Ramdeo Misra – In Ecology (From Leeds University, U.K.)
- 1949 : G.N. Ramachanadaran (From Cambridge university)
- 1950 : Watson-The effect of hard X-rays on bacteriophage multiplication
- 1954 : Crick – X-ray diffraction: polypeptides & protein.
- 1935 : Melvin Calvin-Ph.D. in chemistry (from University of Minnesota)
- 1945 : Fleming, Chain & Florey
- 1961 : Calvin (in Chemistry)
- 1962 : Watson, Crick & Wilkins.
- 1968 : Holley, Nirenberg & Hargobind Khorana.
- 2005 : Chavin, Grubbs & Shrock (in chemistry). {NCERT Biology Important pointsfrom }
- Padma Bhushan Award : M.S. Swaminathan
- Sanjay Gandhi Award in Environment and Ecology : Ramdeo Misra.
- Triple Crown (Balzan Prize in 1983, the international prize for biology
in 1994, and the crafoord prize in 1999) : Ernst Mayr. - Lasker Award : Watson & Crick. {NCERT Biology Important pointsfrom }
Term coined by
- Term Virus : Ivanowsky (NCERT Correction-2019-20)
- Term Chromatin : Flemming
- Term Linkage : Morgan
- Term Recombination : Morgan
- Term Mutation : Hugo de Vries
- Term Biodiversity popularised by : Edward Wilson. {NCERT Biology Important pointsfrom }
- Unit of classification : Taxon/category/rank.
- Unit of Neural system : Neurons
- Functional unit of kidney : Nephron.
- Anatomical unit of muscle : Muscle fibre/muscle cell.
- Functional unit of contraction : Sarcomere
- Functional unit of inheritance : Genes.
- Unit of Noise Pollution : dB (Decibel).
- Unit of ozone layer thickness : DU (Dobson Units).
- Functional unit of Nature : Ecosystem.
- Structural and functional unit of all living organisms : Cell.
- Reproductive unit in the angiosperms : Flower
- Unit of water potential : Pascals (Pa) or any other pressure unit.
- Structural and functional units of liver : Hepatic lobules
- Structural and functional unit between developing embryo (foetus) and
maternal body : Placenta - Functional unit of kidney : Nephron {NCERT Biology Important pointsfrom }
Data of NCERT for Humans
1. Weight of Liver : 1.2 to 1.5 kg
2. Weight of Kidney : 120 to 170 gm
3. Number of lobes in Liver : 2
4. Number of salivary glands : 3 pairs
5. Number of portions in stomach : 4 (Cardiac, fundic, body & Pyloric).
6. Stomach stores food for : 4 to 5 hours.
7. pH of saliva : 6.8
8. pH of gastric juice : 1.8
9. pH in duodenum : 7.8
10. pH of urine : 6.0
11. Breathing rate : 12-16 times/minute
12. Tidal volume : 500 mL
13. IRV : 2500 – 3000 mL
14. ERV : 1000 – 1100 mL
15. RV : 1100 – 1200 mL
16. Water in plasma : 90-92%
17. Water in watermelon : 92%.
18. Water in herbaceous plants : 85-90%.
19. Water in human cell : 70-90%.
20. Colon is divided in : 4 parts (Ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid parts). (NCERT Correction-2019-20)
21. Solubility of CO2 is 20-25 times higher than that of O2 .
22. Diffusion membrane is made up of 3 layers.
23. Total thickness of diffusion membrane : < 1 mm
24. No. of wall layers in alimentary canal (from oesophagus to rectum) : 4
25. Gastric gland have 3 type of cells : Mucus neck cells, chief cells and parietal cells
26. Every 100 ml of oxygenated blood can deliver how much O2 to tissues : 5 mL
27. Every 100 ml of deoxygenated blood delivers how much CO2 to the alveoli : 4 mL {NCERT Biology Important points from }
(NCERT Biology Important points)
Shapes in NCERT Biology
- Pollen grains are generally : Spherical
- Nucleolus : Spherical
- Centriole : Cylindrical
- Mitochondria : Sausage shaped or cylindrical
- RBCs : Round & biconcave
- Mesophyll cell : Round & Oval
- Trachied : Elongated
- Columnar epithelium : Long & narrow.
- WBCs : Amoeboid.
- Nerve cell (longest cell) : Long & Branched
- Henle’s loop : Hairpin bend
- Stomach : J-shaped
- Spleen & kidney : Bean shaped
- Thymus : Lobed organ.
- Patella : Cup shaped
- Bowman’s capsule : Double walled cup-like structure
- Heart : Clenched fist (size)
- Oxygen dissociation curve : Sigmoid.
- Diaphragm : Dome shaped.
- Smooth muscle : Fusiform.
- Setae : S-shaped
- Intestinal caecae : Conical
- Root hair : Thread like
- Root cap : Thimble like
- Tongue of frog : Bilobed
- Nucleus of vegetative cells : Irregular
- Generative cell : Spindle shaped.
- Ommatidia of cockroach : Hexagonal
- Anther : Four sided (Tetragonal)
- Cotyledon (maize/grass) : Shield shaped.
- Archegonium of bryophytes : Flask shaped.
- Gills of molluscs : Feather like.
- Radula of molluscs : File like
- Chiasmata : X- shaped
- Testis : Oval
- Uterus : Inverted pear.
- Fimbriae & Clitoris : Finger like.
- Vasa recta & hyoid bone : U-shaped
- Duodenum : C-shaped {NCERT Biology Important points from }
- Verhulst – Pearl logistic growth curve : Sigmoid
- Exponential or geometric growth curve : J – shaped
- In female cockroach, 7th sternum is : Boat shaped
- Antennae & anal styles of cockroach : Thread like
- Head of cockroach, Scapula and Sinus venosus of frog : Triangular
- Microsporangium : Near circular in outline (in transverse section).
- Male gonapophysis or phallomere : Asymmetrical structure (Chitinous)
- ICBN : International Code for Botanical Nomenclature
- ICZN : International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
- NBRI : National Botanical Research Institute (Lko.)
- CDRI : Central Drug Research Institute (Lko.)
- IBG : Indian Botanical Garden (Howrah)
- PSTD : Potato Spindle Tuber Disease
- PPLO : Pleuro Pneumonia Like Organisms
- [S] : Concentration of substrate
- RRC : Respiratory Rhythm Centre (Medulla)
- GFR : Glomerular Filtration Rate
- JGA : Juxta-Glomerular Apparatus
- ANF : Atrial-Natriuretic factor
- GnRH : Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone
- GH : Growth Hormone
- PRL : Prolactin {NCERT Biology Important table from }
- TSH : Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
- ACTH : Adreno Corticotrophic Hormone
- MSH : Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
- ADH : Vasopressin/Anti-diuretic Hormone
- T3: Triiodothyronine
- T4: Tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine
- TC T : Thyrocalcitonin
- PTH : Parathyroid hormone
- CCK : Cholecystokinin
- GIP : Gastric Inhibitory Peptide
- LHC : Light Harvesting Complex
- PGA : Phosphoglyceric acid
- OAA : Oxalo acetic acid
- RuBisCO : Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase.
- NAD : Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (Coenzyme).
- CoA : Coenzyme A
- TCA : Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle.
- ETC : Electron Transport Chain
- RQ : Respiratory Quotient
- PGRs : Plant Growth Regulators
- NAA : Napthalene Acetic Acid
- 2, 4-D : 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid
- GA3: Gibberellic acid.
- PMC : Pollen mother cell/microscope mother cell.
- MMC : Megaspore mother cell.
- PEN : Primary Endosperm Nucleus.
- hCG : Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin
- hPL : Human Placental Lactogen
- RCH : Reproductive & Child Health Care.
- STDs : Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- VD : Venereal disease.
- RTI : Reproductive Tract Infections
- WHO : World Health Organisation
- MMR : Maternal Mortality Rate
- IMR : Infant Mortality Rate
- IUDs : Intra Uterine Devices
- OCPs : Oral Contraceptive Pills
- MTP : Medical Termination of Pregnancy
- ART : Assisted Reproductive Technologies
- ZIFT : Zygote Intra-fallopian transfer
- GIFT : Gamete Intra-fallopian transfer
- IUT : Intra Uterine Transfer
- IUI : Intra Uterine Insemination
- AIT/AI : Artificial Insemination Technique
- ICSI : Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
- IVF : In-vitro fertilisation
- ET : Embryo transfer
- SCA : Sickle cell Anaemia
- PKU : Phenylketonuria
- NHC : Non-histone Chromosomal proteins
- snRNA : Small Nuclear RNA
- hnRNA : Heterogenous Nuclear RNA
- sRNA : Soluble RNA {NCERT Biology Important points from }
- UTR : Untranslated Regions
- HGP : Human Genome Project
- ELSI : Ethical, Legal & Social Issues
- BAC : Bacterial Artificial Chromosome
- YAC : Yeast Artificial Chromosome
- ESTs : Expressed Sequence Tags
- SNPs : Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
- VNTR : Variable Number of Tandem Repeats
- SCRR : School of Cytogenetics & Radiation Reserch
- IARI : Indian Agricultural Research Institute (New Delhi)
- CMI : Cell – Mediated Immunity
- MALT : Mucosal Associated Lymphoid Tissue
- AIDS : Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
- HIV : Human Immuno Deficiency Virus
- ELISA : Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay
- NACO : National AIDS Control Organisation
- NGOs : Non-Governmental Organisation
- C-onc : Cellular Oncogenes
- CT : Computed Tomography
- MRI : Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- LSD : Lysergic acid diethyl amide
- MOET : Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology.
- ICWMI : International Centre for Wheat & Maize Improvement
(Mexico) {NCERT Biology Important points from } - IRRI : International Rice Research Institute (Philippines)
- SCP : Single Cell Protein
- LAB : Lactic Acid Bacteria
- STPs : Sewage Treatment Plants
- BOD : Biochemical oxygen Demand
- DO : Dissolved Oxygen
- KVIC : Khadi & Village Industries Commission
- Bt : Bacillus thuringiensis.
- NPV : Nucleopolyhedro virus
- IPM : Integrated Pest Management
- EcoRI : Escherichia coli RY13.
- Ori : Origin of Replication
- pBR322 : Plasmid {NCERT Biology Important points from }
- Ti Plasmid : Tumor Inducing Plasmid
- Taq : Thermus aquaticus
- PCR : Polymerase Chain Reaction
- GMO : Genetically modified Organisms
- RNAi : RNA interference
- ADA : Adenosine deaminase
- GEAC : Genetic Engineering Approval Committee.
- NCEPC : National Committee for Environmental Planning &
Coordination (1972) - MOEF : Ministry of Environment & Forests (1984)
- INSA : Indian National Science Academy
- NP P : Net Primary Productivity
- GPP : Gross Primary Productivity
- GNP : Gross National Product
- GDP : Gross Domestic Product
- GFC : Grazing food chain
- DFC : Detritus food chain
- IUCN : International Union for Conservation of Nature &
Natural Resources - CPCB : Central Pollution Control Board
- CNG : Compressed Natural Gas
- ppb : Parts per billion
- ppm : Parts per million
- FOAM : Friends of Arcata Marsh
- DU : Dobson Units
- dB : Decibel {NCERT Biology Important points from }
- CFCs : Chloroflurocarbons
- JFM : Joint Forest Management (1980).
Important Cells in NCERT
- Heterocysts : Specialised cells found in Nostoc & Anabaena which
help in fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. - Smallest living cell is Mycoplasma
- Choanocytes or collar cells – Found in sponges that line the spongocoel
& canals. {NCERT Biology Important points from } - Cnidoblasts/cnidocytes – Found in coelentrata/cnidaria which contain
the stinging capsules or nematocytes. - Flame cells- Found in flat worms and help in osmoregulation &
excretion. - Statocysts- These are balancing organs found in arthropods.
- Root hair- Found in zone of maturation and help in water & mineral
absorption. - Guard cell- Encloses stomatal aperture or pore. Bean-shaped but in
grasses dumb-bell shaped. - Subsidiary cells- A few epidermal cells, in the vicinity of the guard
cells become specialised in their shape & size & called subsidiary cells - Bundle-sheath cells- The vascular bundles are surronded by a layer of
thick walled bundle-sheath cells. - Bulliform cells- In grasses, certain adaxial epidermis cells along the
veins modify themselves into large, empty & colourlesss cells. - Chondrocytes- Cells of cartilage
- Osteocytes- Bone cells. {NCERT Biology Important table from }
- Neuroglial cells- Found in the neural system which protect & support
neurons. - Goblet cells- Present in intestinal mucosal epithelium which secrete
mucus. - Mucus neck cells- Present in gastric gland & secrete mucus
- Peptic/cheif cells- Present in gastric gland & secrete pepsinogen.
- Parietal/oxyntic cells- Present in gastric gland & secrete HCl &
intrinsic factor. - Hepatic cells or hepatocytes- Found in liver.
- JG (Juxtaglomerular) cells- Release renin & erythropoietin hormones
- Neurosecretory cells (Nuclei) found in hypothalamus, which secrete
hormones. - Ganglion cells- Found in retina
- Bipolar cells- Found in retina
- Photoreceptor cells- Found in retina
- Rod cells- For twilight (scotopic vision)
- Cone cells- For day light (photopic vision)
- Organ of Corti contains hair cells
- Adipocytes- Cells of adipose tissue {NCERT Biology Important points from }
- PMNL (Polymorpho Nuclear Leukocytes)- A type of neutrophil providing
cellular barrier in innate immunity. - Natural killer cells- Type of lymphocyte providing cellular barrier.
- Macrophages- Present in tissue (areolar tissue) that can phagocytose
& destroy microbes providing cellular barrier. - Inner cell mass of human blastocyst contains stem cells which have
the potency to give rise to all the tissues & organs. - The epithelial cells of Bowman’s capsule called podocytes. {NCERT Biology Important table from }
Contributions of Biologists
- Binomial nomenclature was given by Carolus Linnaeus.
- Two kingdom system of classification was given by Carolus Linnaeus.
- Systema Naturae was written by Carolus Linnaeus.
- Artificial system of classification was given by Carolus Linnaeus.
- Natural System of classification for flowering plants was given by
George Bentham & J.D. Hooker. - 5 kingdom system of classification was given by R.H. Whittaker (1969).
- Aristotle was the earliest to attempt a more scientific basis for
classification. - Biological classification of plants & animals was first proposed by
Aristotle. {NCERT Biology Important table from } - Causal organism of the mosaic disease of tabacco is recognised by D.J.
Ivanowsky (1892). - Contagium vivum fluidum is called by M.W. Beijerinek (1898).
- Viruses crystallised by W.M. Stanley (1935).
- Viroids were discovered by T.O. Diener (1971).
- ‘Anatomy of Seed Plants’ published by Katherine Esau (1960).
- Curly top virus spreads through a plant via phloem tissue, it is reported
by Katherine Esau - Founder of Madras School of Conformational analysis of biopolymers
was G.N. Ramachandran. - Triple helical model of collagen was given by G.N. Ramachandran
- Ramachandran was influenced by Linus Pauling
- Darwin was influenced by Malthus
- P. Maheshwari was influenced by Dr. W. Dudegon
- - helix & - sheet structures was published by Linus Pauling
- Anton von Leeuwenhoek first saw & described a live cell.
- Cell theory was given by Schleiden & Schwann.
- Cell theory was modified by Rudolf Virchow (1855)
- Fluid mosaic model was given by Singer & Nicolson (1972)
- Golgi bodies was discovered by Camillo Golgi (1898)
- Ribosome was discovered by George Palade (1953)
- Nucleus was first discovered and described by Robert Brown (1831)
- Melvin Calvin earn Nobel Prize in 1961 for mapping of the pathway of
carbon assimilation in PHS. - Calvin work with J.A. Bassham {NCERT Biology Important points from }
- Hydroponics technique developed by Julius von Sachs (1860).
- O2
was discovered by Joseph Priestley (1774) - Priestley revealed the essential role of air in growth of green plants
(1770). - Jan Ingenhousz used a similar setup as the one used by Priestley.
- Jan Ingenhousz showed that sunlight is essential to the plant process.
- Jan Ingenhousz showed that it is only the green part of the plants
that could release oxygen. - Julius von Sachs provide evidence for production of glucose when
plants grow. - Sachs shows that the green susbtance in plants (chlorophyll) is located
in special bodies (later called chloroplasts) within plant cells. - Sachs found that the green parts in plants is where glucose is made &
that the glucose is usually stored as starch. - First action spectrum of PHS was described by T.W. Englemann.
- Van Niel demonstrated that PHS is essentially a light-dependent
reaction in which hydrogen from a suitable oxidisable compound
reduces carbon dioxide to carbohydrate. - Van Niel inferred that the O2 evolved by green plant comes from H2
O, not from CO2 {NCERT Biology Important table from } - Calvin use radioactive C14 in algal photosynthesis studies that led the
discovery that the first CO2 fixation product was a 3-carbon organic acid. - Whole pathway of C3 – cycle was worked by Calvin and Benson.
- C4 – pathway was discovered by Hatch & Slack
- Law of limiting factors was given by Blackmann (1905)
- Scheme of Glycolysis was given by Embden, Meyerhof & Parnas. (EMP)
- Discovery of PGRs is started with the observation of Charles Darwin
& his son Francis Darwin - Charles Darwin & Francis Darwin observed that the coleoptiles of
canary grass respond to unilateral illumination by growing towards
the light source (Phototropism). - Auxin was isolated from tips of coleoptiles of oat seedlings by F.W. Went.
- E. Kurosawa reported the appearence of symptoms of “Bakane (foolish
seedlings) disease” in uninfected rice seedlings when they were
treated with sterile filtrates of the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi. - Skoog & his Co-workers observed that from the internodal segments of
tobacco stems the callus proliferate only if, in addition to auxins, the
nutrient medium was supplemented with one of the following : extract
of vascular tissue, Yeast Extract, Coconut milk or DNA. - Skoog & Miller identified, crystallised & termed Kinetin.
- Cousins confirmed the release of volatile substance from ripened
oranges that hastened the ripening of stored unripened bananas. - P. Maheshwari established department of botany at university of Delhi
as important centre of research in Embryology & Tissue culture. - P. Maheshwari emphasised the need for initiation of work on artificial
culture of immature embryos. {NCERT Biology Important points from } - P. Maheshwari work on test-tube fertilisation & intra-ovarian pollination
- P. Maheshwari popularised the use of embryological character in
taxonomy. - P. Maheshwari & Ramdeo Misra was awarded by INSA (Indian
National Science Academy). - Sanjay Gandhi Award in Environment & Ecology is given to Ramdeo Misra.
- M.S. Swaminathan is awarded by Padma Bhushan.
- Lasker award given to Watson & Crick
- Balzen prize given to Ernst Mayr
- P.Maheshwari was honoured with Fellowship of Royal Society of
London (FRS). - Short-duration high-yielding varieties of rice (including scented
Basmati) was developed by M.S. Swaminathan. - M.S. Swaminathan initiated collaboration with Norman Borlaug
- M.S. Swaminathan is initiator of Lab-to-land & food security.
- M.S. Swaminathan is known for the development of the concept of
crop cafeteria & crop scheduling. - Good humor hypothesis was given by Hippocrates & Indian Ayurveda System {NCERT Biology Important points from }
- Good humor hypothesis was disproved by William Harvey.
- Blood circulation was discovered by – William Harvey
- Rivet popper hypothesis was given by Paul Ehrlich (Stanford Ecologist)
- Polyblend is formed by Ahmed Khan & his company.
- Ramesh Chandra Dagar is related to organic farming.
- Semi-dwarf wheat at ICWMI were developed by Norman Borlaug.
- Herbert Boyer observed that the restriction enzymes have the capability
of cutting DNA strands in a particular fashion (1969). - Stanley Cohen developed a method of removing plasmids from the cell
& then reinserting them in other cells. - First recombinant DNA was formed by Cohen & Boyer.
- Watson study on the “Effe ct of hard X-rays on bacteriophage
multiplication” (1950) {NCERT Biology Important points from } - Crick study on “X-ray diffraction: polypeptides & proteins” (1954)
- Double helical model of B-DNA was given by Watson & Crick (1953)
- Mendal proposed laws of inheritance in living organisms.
- Punnet square were developed by R.C. Punnet.
- Mendel’s results were rediscovered by de Vries, Correns & von
Tschermark independently in 1900. - Sutton & Boveri noted that the behaviour of chromosome was parallel
to the behaviour of genes. - Chromosomal theory of inheritance was given by Sutton & Boveri.
- Experimental verification of the chromosomal theory of inheritance
was given by T.H. Morgan - Sutton & Boveri argued that the pairing & separation of a pair of
chromosomes would lead to the segregation of a pair of factors they
carried. {NCERT Biology Important points from } - Genetic map discovered by Alfred Sturtevent.
- Henking trace a specific nuclear structure (X-body) all through
spermatogenesis in a few insects (1891). - Down’s syndrome was first described by Langdon Down (1866)
- DNA (Nuclein) was first identified by Friedrich Meischer (1869).
- X-ray diffraction data produced by Wilkins & Franklin.
- Transforming principle was given by Griffith (1928).
- Biochemical characterisation of transforming principle was given by
Avery, MacLeod & Mc Carty. - Unequivoal proof that DNA is the genetic material came from the
experiements of Hershey & Chase (1952). - Replication scheme was given by Watson & Crick.
- Central dogma of biology was given by Crick.
- The experimental proof that DNA replicates semiconservatively was
given in prokaryotes by Meselson & Stahl (1958). - The experimental proof that DNA replicates semiconservatively was
given in eukaryotes by Taylor (1958). - George Gamow (a physicist) proposed that codon was triplet.
- Har Gobind Khorana synthesizes RNA molecules with defined
combination of bases (homopolyers & copolymers). - Nirenberg in cell-free system for protein synthesis finally helped the
code to be deciphered. - Polynucleotide phosphorylase is called Severo Ochoa enzyme
- Lac operon was given by Jacob & Monad.
- Automated DNA sequencers worked on the principle of a method
developed by Frederick Sanger - Frederick Sanger developed the method for determination of amino
acid sequences in proteins. - DNA fingerprinting technique was developed by Alec Jeffreys.
- Spontaneous generation theory was dismissed by Louis Pasteur.
- Life comes from pre-existing life it is told by Louis Pasteur.
- Oparin & Haldane proposed that the first form of life could have
come from pre-existing non-living organic molecules. - Darwin made a sea voyage in a sail ship (H.M.S. Beagle).
- Alfred Wallace worked in Malay Archipelago.
- ‘Use and disuse of organs’ theory of evolution was given by Lamarck
(French Naturalist). {NCERT Biology Important points from } - Malthus work on population.
- Hugo de Vries brought forth the idea of mutations.
- Hugo de Vries used the term saltation.
- Ramdeo Misra revered as the father of ecology in India.
- Ramdeo Misra formulated the first postgraduate course in ecology in
India. - “Competitive Exclusion principle” was given by Gause.
- Resource partitioning was given by Mac Arthur.
- Cost of ecosystem services was given by Robert Costanza.
- Term Biodiversity popularised by Edward Wilson (Sociobiologist)
- Species-area relationship was given by Alexander von Humboldt.
- The importance of species diversity to the ecosystem was given by
David Tilman {NCERT Biology Important table from }
Dependency in NCERT Biology
- Algae are classified into 3 classes, depending on the type of pigment
and the type of stored food. - Kingdom fungi is divided into various classes based on morphology of
the mycelium, mode of spore formation & fruiting bodies. - Simple epithelium is divided into 3 types (squamous, cuboidal and
columnar) on the basis of structural modifications of the cells. - Pollination can be divided into 3 types (autogamy, geitonogamy &
xenogamy) depending on the source of pollen. - Respiratory quotient depends upon the type of respiratory substrate
used during respiration. - Neurons can be divided into 3 types (multipolar, bipolar & unipolar)
based on the number of axon & dendrites. - Muscles are of 3 types (skeletal, visceral & cardiac) based on their
location. {NCERT Biology Important table from } - Muscles are classified as red & white fibres based primarily on the
amount of red coloured myoglobin pigment in them. - Methods of locomotion performed by animals vary with their habitat &
the demand of the situation. - Nature of nitrogenous wastes formed & their excretion vary among
animals, mainly depending on the habitat (availability of water). - ABO blood grouping is based on the presence or absence of the 2
surface antigens on the RBCs namely A & B. - Mechanism of breathing vary among different groups of animals
depending mainly on their habitats & level of organisation. - Chromosomes can be classified into 4 types (metacentric, submetacentric, acrocentric & telocentric) based on the position of the
centromere or 10 constriction. - Enzymes are classifed into 6 classes based on the type of reactions
they catalyse. - Prophase – I is divided into 5 phases (Code : LZPDD Lata Zara Pani
De Do) based on chromosomal behaviour. - Membrane protein can be classified as intergral or peripheral
depending on the ease of extraction. - Succession of plants is called hydrarch or xerarch, based on the nautre
of the habitat. - Nature & properties of soil is dependent on the climate, weathering
process, soil is transported or sedimentary & how soil development
occured. - Primary productivity depends on the : (i) Plant species inhabiting a
particular area, (ii) Variety of environmental factors, (iii) Availability
of nutrients and (iv) Photosynthetic capacity of plants. - The rate of decomposition is controlled by chemical composition of
detritus & climatic factors (temperature & soil moisture) - Organism occupy a specific place in the food chain or a trophic level,
based on source of their nutrition or food. - In 20 succession the species that invade depends on the : (i) Condition of soil, (ii) Availability of water, (iii) Environment and (iv) Seed or other propagules present. {NCERT Biology Important table from }
- In dairy form, milk yield is primarily dependent on the quality of
breeds in the farm. {NCERT Biology Important pointsfrom } - Different type of alcoholic drinks are obtained depending on the :
(i) Type of raw material used for fermentation.
(ii) Type of processing (with or without distillation).
Cities and Countries in NCERT
- Famous Royal Botanical Garden : Kew (England)
- Indian Botanical Garden : Howrah (India)
- National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) : Lucknow
- Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI) : Lucknow
- Strobilanthus kunthiana found in : Kerela, Karnataka & Tamilnadu.
- Lupinus arcticus (Lupine) excavated from : Arctic Tundra
- Phoenix dactylifera (Date palm) excavated from : King Herod’s Palace
near Dead Sea. {NCERT Biology Important points from } - Sah iwal Cow bre d in : Pun j ab (through artificial selection &
domestication) - Hisardale (Sheep) develop in : Punjab (by cross -breeding)
- Oparin : Russia
- Haldane : England
- S.L. Miller : America
- Wallace Worked in : Malay Archipelago
- Observation supporting evolution by natural selection comes from :
England {NCERT Biology Important table from } - Darwin worked in : Galapagos Islands
- Coelcanth (fish) caught in : South Africa (1938).
- Few fossils of man-like bones have been discovered in : Ethiopia & Tanzania.
- About 3-4 mya man – like primate walked in : Eastern Africa
- Australopithecus lived in : East African Grasslands.
- Fossils of Homo erectus discovered in : Java (1891)
- Neanderthal man lived in : Near East & Central Asia
- Homo sapiens Arose in : Africa
- Erythroxylum coca is native of : South America
- > 70% live stock population is in : India & China
- Saccharum barberi grown in : North India
- Saccharum officinarum grown in : South India
- IARI : New Delhi
- IRRI : Phillippines
- ICWMI : Mexico {NCERT Biology Important points from }
- Taichung Native-I develops from : Taiwan.
- IR-8 developed from : IRRI, Philippines
- Borlaug developed semi-dwarf wheat at : ICWMI, Mexico.
- Jaya & Ratna developed in : India
- Toddy is used in : South India
- Penicillin was used during world war-II to treat : American soldiers
- Eli lily is an : American company.
- A company which got patent rights on basmati rice : American Company
- Mango tree do not & can not grow in : Canada & Germany
- Snow leopard are not found in : Kerela forests
- High altitude places (>3500 m) : Rohtang pass near Manali &
Mansarovar (in China occupied Tibet) - In 1920’s prickly pear cactus introduced in : Australia
- Visiting flamingoes & resident fishes compete in : South American
lakes {NCERT Biology Important table from } - Abingdon tortoise were found in : Galapagos Island.
- Barnacle Balanus & Chathamalus found in : Rocky Sea Coasts of
Scotland - Rauwolfia vomitoria growing in : Himalaya
- Amazonian Rain Forest found in : South America
- Alexander von Humboldt explored in : South America Jungles
- Dodo extinct from : Mauritius.
- Quagga extinct from : Africa
- Thylacine extinct from : Australia
- Stellar’s sea cow extinct from : Russia
- Lake Victoria found in : East Africa
- Clarius geriepinus is African catfish
- Earth Summit held in : Rio de Janeiro
- World Summit held in : Johannesburg (South Africa)
- Montreal Protocol held in : Montreal (Canada)
- Khasi & Jaintia hills in : Meghalaya
- Aravalli hills in : Rajasthan
- Western Ghat regions are found in : Karnataka & Maharastra
- Sarguja, Chanda & Bastar areas are found in : Madhya Pradesh
- Ahmed Khan belongs to : Bangalore
- Ramesh Chandra Dagar related to : Sonipat (Haryana)
- Ozone hole is particularly marked over : Antarctic region
- Slash & Burn cultivation or Jhum cultivation done in : North-eastern
states of India. - Amrita Devi Bishnoi related to : Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
- Chipko movement started in : Garhwal Himalayas
- Keolado National Park : Bharatpur (Rajasthan)
- Kangaroo rat found in : North American desert.
Years and Contribution of Scientists
- 1770 : Joseph Priestley – Essential role of air in growth of green plant.
- 1774 : Joseph Priestley – Discovered O2
- 1831 : Robert Brown – Ist discovered and described nucleus.
- 1838 : Schleiden (German Botanist) – Work on plants.
- 1839 : Schwann(British Zoologist) – Work on both plants & animals.
- 1855 : Rudolf Virchow – Omnis cellula-e-cellula (cells arises from
pre-existing cells). - Life originate from pre-existing life : Pasteur (Yeast).
- Life originate from non-living (decaying & rotting matter) : Spontaneous
generation. - Life originate from pre-existing non-living organic molecules (RNA,
Protein)- Oparin (Russia) & Haldane (England)- Chemical Evolution. - 1856 – 1863 : Mendal experiment on garden pea. (7 years)
- 1860 : Julius von Sachs – Developed hydroponics.
- 1865 : Mendal published his work.
- 1866 : Langdon Down – Down’s syndrome.
- 1869 : Friedrich Meischer – Ist identified DNA and named it nuclein.
- 1891 : Henking – Discovered X-body.
- 1891 : Fossil discovered in Java – Homo erectus.
- 1892 : Ivanowsky – Discovered virus.
- 1898 : Beijerinek – Contagium vivum fluidum (infectious living fluid).
- 1898 : Camillo Golgi – Discovered (observed) G.B.
- 1900 : de Vries, Corre ns and von Tsche rmak inde pende ntly
rediscovered Mendel’s results. - 1902 : Chromosome movement during meiosis has been worked out.
- 1905 : Law of limiting factor (Blackmann).
- 1928 : Fredrick Griffith – Transforming experiment with Streptococcus
pneumoniae (Diplococcus). - 1935 : Stanley – Crystallised viruses.
- 1937 : Ramde o Misra obtained Ph.D. in Ecology from Lee ds
university (U.K.). - 1938 : Coelocanth fish caught in South Africa.
- 1945 : Fleming, Chain & Florey – Awarded Nobel prize.
- 1950 : Watson obtained Ph.D. on a study of the effect of hard X-rays
on bacteriophage multiplication. - 1951 : Family planning programme started in India.
- 1952 : Hershey & Chase-experiment on bacteriophage or Bacterial virus
gives unequivocal proof that DNA is the genetic material. - 1953 : Miller experiment – Methane, ammonia, hydrogen & water
vapour. - 1953 : Watson & Crick – Double helical structure of B-DNA &
replication scheme. - 1953 : Palade : Discovered ribosome.
- 1954 : Ramachandran – Triple helical model of collagen, published
in Nature. - 1954 : Crick complete d Ph.D. on a thesis “X-rays diffraction :
polypeptides and proteins. - 1958 : Meselson & Stahl – Work on E.coli proves semiconservative
replication of DNA in prokaryotes. - 1958 : Taylor – Work on Vicia faba proves semiconservative replication
of DNA in eukaryotes. - 1960 : Katherine Esau – Published “Anatomy of Seed Plants.”
- 1961 : Melvin Calvin – Nobel Prize.
- 1962 : Watson, Crick and Wilikins – Nobel Prize.
- 1963 : Wheat varieties (Sonalika & Kalyan sona) introduced.
- 1963 : Two enzyme responsible for restricting growth of bacteriophage
in E.coli were isolated. - 1966 : Derivative of IR-8 & Taichung native-I introduced.
- 1969 : Whittaker – Five kingdom classification.
- 1971 : Govt. of India legalized MTP.
- 1971 : Diener- Discovered Viroid(free RNA without capsid).
- 1972 : Singer & Nicolson – Fluid mosaic model.
- 1972 : Stanley Cohen & Herbert Boyer – Formed Ist recombinant DNA.
- 1972 : Establishme nt of NCEPC – National Committe e for
Environmental Planning & Coordination. - 1974 : Water act.
- 1980 : Joint forest management, (JFM).
- 1981 : AIDS was Ist reported.
- 1981 : Air act.
- 1983 : Eli Lily (An American company) produces insulin in E.coli by
recombinant DNA technology. - 1984 : Establishment of MOEF : Ministry of Environment & Forest.
- 1986 : Environment Protection Act.
- 1987 : Montreal protocol. Held in Montreal, Canada.
- 1987 : Air act amended to include noise as an air pollutant.
- 1988 : National Forest Policy.
- 1989 : Montreal protocol effective.
- 1990 : Ist clinical gene therepy.
- 1990 : HGP launched.
- 1992 : The Earth summit : Rio de Janeiro.
- 1997 : Ist transgenic cow- Rosie. It produces human protein enriched
milk (2.4 grams per litre). The milk contain the human alphalactalbumin - 1997 : An American company got patent rights on Basmati Rice.
- 1997 : Kyoto protocol : Held in Kyoto(Japan).
- 2002 : World summit. Held in Johannesburg (South Africa).
- 2002 : All buses of Delhi were converted by CNG.
- 2005 : Nobel prize of chemistry given to ‘Green chemists’ Chauvin,
Grubbs & Schrock