Parturition: Childbirth, the process of delivering the baby and placenta from the uterus to the vagina to the outside world. Also called labor and delivery. Now let’s solve some amazing MCQ on Parturition for NEET preparation
Important MCQ on Parturition For NEET

1. Which of these events is unlikely to happen if the mammalian ovum does not get fertilized?
(a) primary follicle starts to develop
(b) secretion of the estrogen increases
(c) rapid decrease in the secretion of progesterone
(d) disintegration of corpus luteum
Answer: (b)
2. Scientifically, the delivery of the developed fetus is termed as
(a) ovulation
(b) abortion
(c) oviposition
(d) parturition
Answer: (d)
3. In humans, the location of the Bartholin’s glands are
(a) either side of the fallopian tube
(b) either side of the penis
(c) either side of the vas deferens
(d) either side of the vagina
Answer: (d)
4. Colostrum is
(a) milk of lactation period
(b) milk of initial few days
(c) milk of initial few hours
(d) milk on day one
Answer: (b)
5. The Graafian follicle regresses to this after ovulation
(a) corpus albicans
(b) corpus atresia
(c) corpus callosum
(d) corpus luteum
Answer: (d)
6. What does colostrum contain?
(a) four antibodies
(b) two antibodies
(c) many antibodies
(d) one antibody only
Answer: (c)
7. When does lactation start?
(a) During pregnancy
(b) at the end of first trimester
(c) before parturition
(d) at the end of pregnancy
Answer: (d)
8. The sex of the unborn takes shape during
(a) start of the cleavage
(b) implantation
(c) fertilization by the male gamete
(d) fertilization by female gamete
Answer: (c)
9. This structure ruptures when “water breaks” in pregnancy
(a) placenta
(b) amniotic fluid
(c) chorionic sac
(d) amniochorionic membrane
Answer: (b)
10. After how many days of fertilization does implantation occur?
(a) 8 days
(b) 7 days
(c) 6 days
(d) 5 days
Answer: (b)
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