Solve some Important questions MCQ on Protista for NEET preparation. Protista is an important topic for your NEET exam in Biology Syllabus of class 11th and 12th as well. These questions are based on NCERT biology and NEET previous year asked questions.
Answers of all these questions are also given at the below of these mcq and in case if you find any mistakes in these questions then please let us know in the comment box below.
Important MCQ on Protista For NEET
1. Pick the wrong statement
(a) Diatoms are primarily produced in the oceans
(b) Diatoms are microscopic and float passively in the water
(c) Walls of diatoms are destructible easily
(d) Diatomaceous earth is formed by the cell walls of diatoms
Answer: (c)
2. In Dinoflagellates, the reserve food is
(a) Fucoxanthin
(b) Starch
(c) Alginic acid
(d) Mannitol
Answer: (b)
3. The cell walls form two thin overlapping shells in which group of organisms such that they fit together
(a) Euglenoids
(b) Dinoflagellates
(c) Slime moulds
(d) Chrysophytes
Answer: (d)

4. Protists include
(a) Bacteria, fungi, algae and Bryophyta
(b) Protozoa, algae and fungi
(c) Vascular plants, slime moulds, and fungi
(d) Bacteria, algae, protozoa, and Bryophyta
Answer: (b)
5. The protistan genome has
(a) Free nucleic acid aggregates
(b) Membrane-bound nucleoproteins embedded in the cytoplasm
(c) Gene containing nucleoproteins condensed together in a loose mass
(d) nucleoprotein in direct contact with cell substance
Answer: (b)
6. Micronucleus and macronucleus are the characteristic features of
(a) Balantidium and Hydra
(b) Vorticella and Nyctotherus
(c) Opalina and Nyctotherus
(d) Vorticella and Paramecium
Answer: (d)
7. A few protists possess structures to regulate their water content. They are
(a) membranes
(b) Chromatophores
(c) Nuclei
(d) Contractile vacuoles
Answer: (d)
8. Whorling whips are named so because of
(a) Type of nucleus
(b) Mode of movement
(c) Mode of reproduction
(d) Mode of nutrition
Answer: (b)
9. Red tide is caused by
(a) Noctiluca
(b) Ceratium
(c) Gonyaulax
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
10. The protist that reproduces both by binary fission and conjugation is
(a) Amoeba
(b) Euglena
(c) Paramecium
(d) Monocystis
Answer: (c)
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