Biotechnology And Its Applications MCQ Important Questions For NEET with fully detailed Answer Key totally based on NCERT and Previous year papers.
This page of Biotechnology And Its Applications MCQ Important Questions For NEET are taken from NCERT lines and previous year questions.

This chapter Biotechnology And Its Applications MCQ belongs to NCERT Biology Class 12 Chapter 8 for NEET and CBSE.
Biotechnology And Its Applications MCQ Important Questions For NEET
1) Biotechnology deals with industrial scale production of bipharmaceuticals and biologicals using genetically modified?
a) Microbes only
b) Fungi only
c) Plants and animals only
d) All of the above
2) The application of biotechnology includes all except?
a) Therapeutics
b) Diagnostics
c) Convential hybridization
d) Bioremediation
3) The crops having cry-genes need?
a) No insecticide
b) Mild quantity of insecticide
c) Large amount of insecticide
d) 5 kg insecticide / hectare
4) First transgenic crop is?
a) Cotton
b) Pea
c) Tobacco
d) Flax
5) Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacterium of?
a) Small intestine
b) Dirty water
c) Skin of dog
d) Soil
6) Bt toxin is?
a) Intracellular lipids
b) Intracellular crystalline protein
c) Extracellular crystalline protein
d) Intracellular polysaccharide
7) Strains of Bacillus thuringiensis are used in producing?
a) Bioinsecticidal plants
b) Biomineralization
c) Biometallurgical techniques
d) Biofertilizers
8) Bt toxin is?
a) Exotoxin biodegradable insecticide
b) Exotoxin, bio-nondegradable insecticide
c) Endotoxin, bio-nondegradable insecticide
d) Endotoxin biodegradable insecticide
9) Bt gene produces protein toxin to insect larvae is?
a) Cry
b) cry
c) Tryp
d) Hind III
10) A plant expressing a gene from another organisms is?
a) Transgenic
b) Clone
c) Transformed
d) Somoclonal variant
11) Introduction of trangenes will result in?
a) Formation of new species
b) Formation of new protein
c) Alter a biosynthetic pathway
d) Both b and c
12) How does Bt toxin kill the larvae of certain insects?
a) By binding of activated toxin on mid gut epithelial cells, creating pores, leading to swelling and lysis
b) By stopping transcription of larval cells
c) By altering central dogma taking place in the cells of gut of larva
d) By stopping protein synthesis
13) Bt toxin genes are isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis and incorporated into crop plants making them insecticidal. The choice of genes depend upon?
a) Crop plant Only
b) Targeted pest only
c) Both a and b
d) Neither type of crop nor targeted pest
14) Which of the following is correct?
a) The proteins encoded by the genes crylAc and cryllAb control cotton bollworms
b) Protein encoded by crylAb controls corn borer
c) Both are correct
d) Proteins encoded by crylAc cryl Ab control flies
15) Antisense RNA is?
a) RNA that makes opposite sense
b) RNA that investigators find confusing
c) The noncoding strand of DNA molecule d) RNA that is complementary to certain mRNA
16) Which of the following nematode infects the roots of tobacco plants and causes a great reduction in yield?
a) Wuchereria
b) Anyclostoma
c) Meloidegyne incognitia
d) Enterobius
17) The RNAi stands for?
a) RNA inactivation
b) RNA initiation
c) RNA interference
d) RNA interferon
18) The first human drug made using recombinant DNA technology was?
a) Glyphosatase
b) TPA
c) Insulin
d) Erythropoietin
19) RNA interference (RNAi) technique has been devised to protect the plants from nematode is silenced by __ produced by the host plant?
a) dsDNA
b) ssDNA
c) dsRNA
d) Target proteins
20) Eli Lilly, an American company prepared two DNA sequences corresponding to A and B, chains of human insulin and introduced them in plasmids of E. coli to produce insulin chains. Chains A and B were prepared separately, extracted and combined by creating?
a) Peptide bond
b) Ionic bonds
c) H-bonds
d) Disulphide bonds
21) Which step proved to be the main challenging obstacle in the production of human insulin by genetic engineering?
a) Splitting A and B polypeptide chains
b) Addition of C-peptide to pro-insulin
c) Getting insulin assembled into mature form
d) Removal of C-peptide from active insulin
22) What is the disadvantage of using porcine insulin (from pig) in diabetic patients? (Biotechnology And Its Applications MCQ)
a) It leads hypercalcemia
b) It is expensive
c) It may cause allergic reactions
d) It can lead to mutation in human genome
23) Why insulin not administered orally to diabetic patient?
a) Insulin is better in taste
b) Insulin is a peptide
c) Insulin will lead to sudden decrease in blood sugar if given orally
d) Insulin leads to peptic ulcer if given orally
24) The first clinical gene therapy was given in 1990 to a 4 years old girl with which of the following enzyme deficiency?
a) Adenosine deaminase (ADA)
b) Tyrosine oxidase
c) Monamine oxidase
d) Glutamate dehydrogenase
25) Which of the following could be a permanent cure for treatment of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)?
a) Bone marrow transplantation
b) Gene therapy
c) Enzyme replacement therapy
d) Both a and c
26) Human gene therapy requires?
a) Gene isolation
b) Introduction of DNA into target cells
c) Inclusion of a promoter sequence
d) All of these
27) Which technique would you expect to be completely curative in SCID?
a) Gene therapy in adult stage
b) Gene therapy in embryonic stage
c) Bone marrow transplantation
d) Enzyme replacement therapy
28) Which of the following is a benefit to having insulin produced by biotechnology?
a) It is just as effective as natural one
b) It can be mass-produced
c) It is non allergic
d) All of these
29) Which of the following is correct about ADA?
a) ADA is crucial for immune system to function
b) In the absence of this enzyme, purine metabolism is disturbed and T-cells fail to function
c) ADA deficiency is caused by deletion of the gene for ADA
d) All of these
30) A doctor while operating on an HIV + patient accidentally cut himself with a scalpel. He comes to you, suspecting himself to have contracted the virus which test will you advise him to rule out / confirm his suspicion?
a) PCR
b) Routine urine examination
c) TLC
d) DLC
31) Which of the following is a critically important tool used in experiments involving DNA hybridization?
a) DNA sequencing machines
b) Ligase
c) DNA probes
d) Vectors
32) PCR is used to?
a) Detect HIV in suspected AIDS patients b) Detect mutations in genes in suspected cancer patients
c) Identify many genetic disorders
d) All of these
33) Which of the following is based upon the principle of antigen-antibody interaction?
a) PCR
c) R DNA technology
d) RNA
34) Which one of the following genes is defective in patients suffering from severe combined immuno-deficiency syndrome (SCID)?
a) RNAase
b) ADA
c) Ribonucleotide reductase
d) DNAase
35) A functional ADA cDNA can be introduced into cells of the patients receiving gene therapy by using vector constituted by? (Biotechnology And Its Applications MCQ)
a) E. coli
b) Reovirus
c) Retrovirus
d) Agrobacterium
36) Deliberate alteration of genome for treatment of disease is called?
a) Transformation rescue
b) Imprinting
c) Exon shuffle
d) Gene therapy
37) Restriction enzymes were first discovered with observation that?
a) DNA is restricted to the nucleus
b) Phage DNA is destroyed in host cell
c) Foreign DNA is kept out of a cell
d) Foreign DNA is restricted to cytoplasm
38) Which method of cellular defence is common to all eukaryotic organisms?
a) RNA interference
b) Phagocytosis
d) Reverse transcription
39) Transgenic animals are those which have?
a) Foreign DNA in some of its cells
b) Foreign DNA in all its cells
c) Foreign RNA in all its cells
d) Both a and c
40) Transgenic rats, rabbits, pigs, sheep cows and fish have produced although over 95 percent of all existing transgenic animals are?
a) Pigs
b) Fish
c) Rats
d) Mice
41) Transgenic animals are produced for which of the following purposes?
I. To study-how gene are regulated and how they affect the normal functions of body and its development
II. To study of diseases
III. To obtain useful biological product
IV. To test vaccine safety and chemical safety
a) I, II, III & IV
b) I and IV
c) II and IV
d) Only I
42) Bioaugmentation is?
a) The addition of commercially prepared bacterial strains with specific catabolic activities to degrade wastes.
b) Production of fertilizers by using bacteria
c) The metals are deposited as insoluble oxides and sulphide by activity of bacteria
d) Removal of pests
43) Which of the following transgenic protein product has been used to treat emphysema?
a) alpha- lactalbumin
b) Cry protein
c) g-globulin
d) alpha-1-antitrypsin
44) “Rosie” is a transgenic cow known to produce a type of milk which has all the following characteristics except?
a) Protein content of 2.4 gm/liter
b) Has human alpha -lactalbumin
c) More balance diet than normal milk for babies
d) High amount of vitamin C
45) Rosie was produced in year? (Biotechnology And Its Applications MCQ)
a) 2001 b) 1999
c) 1997 d) 2009
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Biotechnology And Its Applications MCQ Important Questions For NEET – Answer Key
1) D. All of the above
2) C. Convential hybridization not required biotechnology
3) A. No insecticide
4) C. The first genetically modified crop, an antibiotic-resistant tobacco plant, was produced in 1982. China was the first country to commercialize transgenic plants, introducing a virus-resistant tobacco in 1992. It was developed by Michael W. Bevan, Richard B. Flavell and Mary-Dell Chilton by creating a chimeric gene that joined an antibiotic resistant gene to the T1 plasmid from Agrobacterium. The tobacco was infected with Agrobacterium transformed with this plasmid resulting in the chimeric gene being inserted into the plant. Through tissue culture techniques a single tobacco cell was selected that contained the gene and a new plant grown from it.
5) D. Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacterium of Soil
6) B. Intracellular crystalline protein (produced inside cell as protoxin)
7) A. Bioinsecticidal plants
8) D. Endotoxin biodegradable insecticide
9) B. cry – gene ; Cry – Protein
10) A. Transgenic plant or GMO Plant
11) D. Both b and c
12) A. By binding of activated toxin on mid gut epithelial cells, creating pores, leading to swelling and lysis
13) C. The main types are the Cry (crystal) toxins, encoded by different cry genes, and this is how different types of Bt are classified. The second types are the Cyt (cytolytic) toxins, which can augment the Cry toxins, enhancing the effectiveness of insect control.In the past decades, more than 700 cry gene sequences that code for crystal (Cry) proteins have been identified and large plasmids appear to be the usual location for these genes. While many Cry proteins have useful pesticidal properties and may be exploited for the control of insect pests in agriculture. Bt crystal and secreted soluble toxins are highly specific for their hosts and have gained worldwide importance as an alternative to chemical insecticides. The proteins encoded by the genes crylAc and cryllAb control cotton bollworms in Cotton. Protein encoded by crylAb controls corn borer in Maize.
14) C. Both are correct
15) D. RNA that is complementary to certain mRNA
16) C. Meloidegyne incognitia
17) C. RNA interference
18) C. Insulin (Humulin)
19) C. dsRNA
20) D. Disulphide bonds
21) C. Getting insulin assembled into mature form
22) C. It may cause allergic reactions
23) B. Insulin is a peptide so it get digested by protease enzymes
24) A. Adenoise deaminase (ADA)
25) B. Gene therapy
26) D. All of these. (Biotechnology And Its Applications MCQ)
27) B. Gene therapy in embryonic stage
28) D. All of these
29) D. All of these
30) A. PCR
31) C. DNA probes
32) D. All of these
33) B. ELISA
34) B. ADA
35) C. Retrovirus. (Biotechnology And Its Applications MCQ)
37) B. Phage DNA is destroyed in host cell
36) D. Gene therapy
38) A. RNA interference
39) B. Foreign DNA in all its cells
40) D. Mice
41) A. All are correct :
42) A. Biological augmentation is the addition of archaea or bacterial cultures required to speed up the rate of degradation of a contaminant. Organisms that originate from contaminated areas may already be able to break down waste, but perhaps inefficiently and slowly.
43) D. alpha -1-antitrypsin
44) D. Milk is a good source of thiamin, riboflavin and vitamin B12 . Milk is not considered a major source of vitamins C in the diet.
45) C. In the year 1997, Rosie, the first transgenic cow produced human protein-enriched milk (due to human gene alpha-lactcalumin) at 2.4 g / litre
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