s- block elements important points : s -block elements are found in group 1 and 2 of periodic table and have valence electrons occupying the s orbital. They are the highly reactive metals that easily lose electrons to form cations.
Group 1 elements are the alkali metals, while group 2 elements are the alkaline earth metals. They form a wide range of ionic and covalent compounds and are important in synthesis of many industrial and biological compounds.
The s- block elements have several isotopes with varying properties, and their reactivity can lead to the explosive reactions if not handled properly. They play an important role in the chemical and the biological processes that sustain life on the planet Earth.
s- block elements important points, s- block elements important points, s- block elements important points, s- block elements important points, s- block elements important points, s- block elements important points, s- block elements important points, s- block elements important points

NCERT Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 10 – s- block elements important points Important Points
There are 25 important points on s – block elements-
- s -block elements are chemical elements found in group 1 and 2 of the periodic table.
- They are called s -block elements because their valence electrons occupies the s- orbital.
- The s- block elements are highly reactive metals that easily lose electrons to form cations.
- Group 1 elements are known as the alkali metals, while group 2 elements are known as the alkaline earth metals.
- The electron configuration of s- block elements is ns^1-2, where n is the principal quantum number.
- The first ionization energy of s- block elements is generally low due to the presence of only one or two valence electrons.
Done - The reactivity of the s block elements increases down the group due to an increase in the atomic radius and a decrease in ionization energy.
- Alkali metals are soft, low-density metals with low melting and boiling points.
- They react vigorously with water to produce hydrogen gas and hydroxide ions.
- Alkaline earth metals have higher melting and boiling points than alkali metals, and they are harder and denser.
- They also react with water, but not as vigorously as alkali metals.
- The s block elements form a wide range of ionic and covalent compounds.
- Alkali metals form ionic compounds with halogens, while alkaline earth metals form ionic compounds with halogens and oxygen.
- The s block elements are important in the synthesis of many industrial and biological compounds.
- Alkali metals are used in the production of chemicals, such as soaps, detergents, and fertilizers.
- Alkaline earth metals are used in the production of alloys and as reducing agents in the production of metals.
- Lithium, the lightest alkali metal, has unique properties that make it useful in rechargeable batteries and as a medication for bipolar disorder.
- Calcium, an alkaline earth metal, is essential for bone and teeth formation in humans and other animals.
- Strontium, another alkaline earth metal, is used in the production of flares and fireworks due to its bright red flame.
- Beryllium, an alkaline earth metal, has high strength and low density, making it useful in the aerospace and nuclear industries.
- The s block elements have several isotopes with varying properties.
- Isotopes of some s block elements, such as sodium-24 and calcium-45, are used in nuclear medicine.
- Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals are highly reactive with air and water, and they must be stored in airtight containers.
- The reactivity of the s block elements can lead to explosive reactions if not handled properly.
- The s block elements play an important role in the chemical and biological processes that sustain life on Earth.
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