Transportation in plants important points: Transportation in the plants refers to movement of water, minerals, and organic substances from the roots to the leaves, and from the leaves to the other parts of the plant. It occurs through the specialized structures known as xylem and phloem.
Xylem is responsible for transportation of water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant, while the phloem is responsible for transportation of the organic substances like the sugar and the amino acids of a protein. This process is crucial for plant’s growth and survival.
Transportation in plants important points, Transportation in plants important points, Transportation in plants important points, Transportation in plants important points, Transportation in plants important points,Transportation in plants important points
NCERT Biology Class 11 Chapter 12, 25 important points – Transportation in plants important points
There are 25 important points on transportation in plants

1. Transportation of water and minerals from the roots to the leaves.
2. Transportation of the photosynthetic products from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
3. Transpiration pull: when water moves from the roots to the leaves through the stem.
4. Role of the xylem is water transportation.
5. Role of the phloem is the transportation of organic compounds.
6. Importance of the root pressure is water movement.
7. Importance of the transpiration in the overall water balance of the plant.
8. Importance of the osmosis in transportation of water across cell membranes
9. Active transport of minerals against concentration gradient
10. Importance of pressure-flow hypothesis in phloem transport
11. Role of companion cells in phloem transport
12. Importance of sieve elements in phloem transport
13. Transport of hormones and other signaling molecules
14. Importance of ATP in transport processes
15. Transport of sugars, amino acids, and other organic compounds
16. Transport of starch and other storage products
17. Transport of waste products out of cells.
18. Importance of root pressure in phloem transport
19. Importance of diffusion in transport processes
20. Importance of root cap in water and mineral absorption.
21. Importance of root hairs in water and mineral absorption
22. Transport of water and nutrients to developing fruits and seeds
23. Importance of plant vessels in transport processes
24. Adaptations in transport processes in succulent and carnivorous plants
25. Importance of transport processes in overall plant growth and survival.
Some Important Questions From Biology Class 11
Chapter Name | Quiz Link |
The Living World | Play Now |
Biological Classification | Play Now |
Plant Kingdom | Play Now |
Animal Kingdom | Play Now |
Morphology of flowering plants | Play Now |
Anatomy of flowering plants | Play Now |
Cell: the unit of life | Play Now |
Biomolecules | Play Now |
Cell Cycle and cell division | Play Now |
Transport in Plants | Play Now |
Structural organisation in Animals | Play Now |
Mineral nutrition | Play Now |
Photosynthesis in higher plants | Play Now |
Respiration in plants | Play Now |
Plant Growth and development | Play Now |
Digestion and Absorption | Play Now |
Breathing and Exchange of Gases | Play Now |
Body fluids and circulation | Play Now |
Excretory products and their elimination | Play Now |
Locomotion and Movement | Play Now |
Neural Control and Coordination | Play Now |
Chemical Coordination and Integration | Play Now |
Some Important Questions From Biology Class 12
Chapter Name | Quiz Link |
Reproduction in organism | Play Now |
Sexual reproduction in flowering plant | Play Now |
Human reproduction | Play Now |
Reproductive health | Play Now |
Principles of inheritance and variation | Play Now |
Molecular basis of inheritance | Play Now |
Evolution | Play Now |
Human health and disease | Play Now |
Strategies for enhancement in food product | Play Now |
Microbes in human welfare | Play Now |
Biotechnology principles and processes | Play Now |
Biotechnology and its application | Play Now |
Organism and population | Play Now |
Ecosystem | Play Now |
Biodiversity and its conservation | Play Now |
Environment issue | Play Now |
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