Neural Control and Coordination Important Points:The nervous system plays an important role in controlling and coordinating body’s functions, and a variety of factors including the injury, disease, rehabilitation, lifestyle, and mental health can all affect the movement and coordination.
Understanding these factors and how they interact with nervous system is key to improving and maintaining the proper movement and coordination.
Neural Control and Coordination Important Points, Neural Control and Coordination Important Points, Neural Control and Coordination Important Points, Neural Control and Coordination Important Points, Neural Control and Coordination Important Points
NCERT Biology Class 11 Chapter 20, 25 important points on Neural Control and Coordination Important Points
There are 25 important points on Neural Control and Coordination Important Points:

1. The nervous system plays a vital role in the controlling and coordinating the body’s functions.
2. The nervous system is composed of the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and the spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system (PNS), which includes all the nerves that lies outside the CNS.
3. The basic unit of the nervous system is the neuron, which transmits electrical and chemical signals between cells.
4. The neural pathways that controls movement and coordination involves the motor cortex in the brain, the spinal cord, and the peripheral nerves.
5. The motor cortex is responsible for initiating voluntary movement, while spinal cord and the peripheral nerves transmits the signals to the muscles to produce the movement.
6. The cerebellum plays a crucial role in coordinating movement, helping to maintain balance and regulates the muscle tone.
7. The basal ganglia is involved in the regulation of the movement and coordination, and is also involved in other functions such as learning and memory.
8. The reflex arc is a simple type of neural pathway that produces an automatic and rapid response to a stimulus.
9. Proprioception is the sense that provides awareness of the body’s position and movement, and is critical for proper coordination.
10. The vestibular system, located in the inner ear, is responsible for detecting changes in the head position and movement, and provides an important information for maintaining balance.
11. Parkinson’s disease is basically a neurodegenerative disorder that affects basal ganglia and causes the difficulties with movement and coordination.
12. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects myelin sheath that surrounds the nerve fibers, leading to the problems with movement and coordination.
13. Strokes can damage brain and results in movement and coordination problems, such as hemiparesis (paralysis on the one side of the body).
14. Spinal cord injuries can result in a condition called paralysis and loss of movement and coordination below the level of injury.
15. Physical therapy can help to improve the movement and coordination by strengthening muscles, increasing flexibility, and retraining the neural pathways.
16. Botulinum toxin (Botox) injections can be used to temporarily paralyze the muscles and relieve spasticity, improving the movement and coordination.
17. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical procedure in which the electrodes are implanted in specific regions of brain to regulate the neural activity and improves movement and coordination.
18. Neuromodulation refers to use of electrical stimulation, drugs, or other interventions to modulate activity of the nervous system and improves movement and coordination.
19. Vestibular rehabilitation is a type of physical therapy that aims to improve the balance and coordination by retraining vestibular system.
20. Orthotics and assistive devices can help to improve the movement and coordination by providing support and stability to the limbs.
21. Adaptive sports and recreational activities can help to improve the movement and coordination by providing opportunities for physical activity and challenge.
22. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help to maintain proper movement and coordination by providing nutrients and stimulation necessary for the proper neural function.
23. Chronic pain can affect movement and coordination by altering normal functioning of the nervous system.
24. Substance abuse can impair the movement and coordination by altering normal functioning of the nervous system.
25. Mental health and stress can also have a significant impact on the movement and coordination by altering normal functioning of the nervous system
Some Important Questions From Biology Class 11
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