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Environmental issues important points For NEET

Environmental issues important points For NEET

Environmental issues important points For NEET– Environmental issues are the problems that affects natural world and the living organisms within it. Some of the major environmental issues includes climate change, air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, overfishing, biodiversity loss, waste management, and the natural resource depletion. These issues are interconnected and can have the significant negative impacts on the human health, ecosystems, and the planet as a whole. Addressing these environmental issues will require global cooperation and efforts to reduce the human impact on environment.

Environmental issues important points, Environmental issues important points, Environmental issues important points, Environmental issues important points, Environmental issues important points, Environmental issues important points, Environmental issues important points

NCERT biology class 12 chapter 13 – 25 important points on Environmental issues important points

There are 25 important points on Environmental issues:

1. Environmental issues refer to the problems caused by the human activities that harms the natural environment.

2. Pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues, and it can take the various forms, such as air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution.

3. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that regulates Earth’s temperature, but human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, have intensified the effect, leading to the global warming.

4. Ozone layer depletion is the another critical environmental issue, primarily caused by the release of the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that destroys the protective ozone layer.

5. Deforestation is a significant environmental issue that results in loss of the biodiversity and contributes to the climate change.

6. Biodiversity refers to variety of living organisms on Earth and interactions between them. Human activities such as the habitat destruction, over-harvesting, and climate change threaten the biodiversity.

7. Sustainable development is a way of meeting needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

8. The precautionary principle is a concept that suggests taking the preventive measures when there is uncertainty about the potential harm of an activity or technology.

9. The Rio Declaration on the Environment and Development is a landmark agreement that emphasizes the importance of sustainable development and role of the countries in addressing environmental issues.

10. The Montreal Protocol is an international agreement that aims to protect ozone layer by phasing out production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances.

11. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement that seeks to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions to combat the global warming.

12. The Paris Agreement is an international agreement that aims to limit the global temperature rise by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

13. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a program under Kyoto Protocol that allows developed countries to offset their greenhouse gas emissions by the funding clean energy projects in developing countries.

14. Ecosystem services refer to benefits that humans receive from the ecosystems, such as food, water, and clean air.

15. Natural resources, such as forests, water, and minerals, are essential for the human well-being, but their exploitation can have negative environmental consequences.

16. Environmental ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with moral and ethical implications of human actions on the environment.

17. The tragedy of the commons is a concept that describes overexploitation of the shared resources due to individual self-interest.

18. The concept of carrying capacity refers to maximum number of individuals that a particular environment can support sustainably.

19. The concept of ecological footprint measures impact of human activities on the environment, taking into account resource use and the waste production.

20. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international treaty that aims to stabilize the greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere.

21. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a scientific body that assesses impacts of the climate change and provides recommendations for policy-makers.

22. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are crucial for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development.

23. Energy efficiency measures, such as building the insulation and efficient lighting, can also help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.

24. Waste management practices, such as recycling and composting, can help to reduce amount of waste sent to landfills and promote resource conservation.

25. Environmental education is an essential component of promoting sustainable development, as it helps the individuals understand the importance of protecting the environment and taking action to address the environmental issues.

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