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Biomolecules Important Points For NEET

Biomolecules Important Points
Biomolecules Important Points

Biomolecules important points: Biomolecules are building blocks of life and includes the carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and the proteins.Carbohydrates serves as a source of energy and structural support. Lipids stores the energy and make up the cell membranes. Nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, carry genetic information and controls the cellular activity. Proteins perform a variety of functions such as the enzymes, structural components, and signaling molecules.

Biomolecules important points, Biomolecules important points, Biomolecules important points, Biomolecules important points, Biomolecules important points, Biomolecules Important Points

NCERT Biology Class 11 Chapter 8, 25 important points – Biomolecules important points

There are 25 important points on Biomolecules important points

Biomolecules important points
Biomolecules important points

1. Biomolecules are the complex organic compounds that plays a crucial role in the functioning of the living organisms.

2. The four main classes of the biomolecules includes carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and the nucleic acids.

3. Carbohydrates are a source of energy for  body and are composed of the sugars and the polysaccharides.

4. Lipids are a diverse group of the compounds that includes fats, oils, waxes, and the steroids.

5. Proteins are large, complex molecules that plays a variety of roles in  body, including the structural support, regulation of metabolic processes, and protection from the disease.

6. Nucleic acids are the large, complex molecules that stores and transmits the genetic information in  form of DNA and RNA.

7. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are the macromolecules, while nucleic acids are also macromolecules but with a more complex chemical structure.

8. Carbohydrates are formed through  photosynthesis in the plants and through  breakdown of glucose in the animals.

9. Lipids are stored in  body as a source of energy and insulation, and are also used in the cell membranes and hormones.

10. Proteins are formed through protein synthesis, in which amino acids are linked together to form a polypeptide chain.

11. Nucleic acids are formed through  replication, in which DNA is copied and passed from one generation of cells to the next generation.

12. The properties and functions of the biomolecules are dependent on their structures, including type and arrangement of bonds between the atoms.

13. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins can be broken down in  body through the processes such as digestion and metabolism to release the energy.

14. Study of biomolecules is known as the biochemistry and is important for understanding  basic processes of life and for development of medicine and biotechnology.

15. Abnormalities in metabolism of the biomolecules can lead to various diseases and disorders, including the diabetes, obesity, and the genetic disorders.

16. Understanding structure and function of biomolecules is also crucial for understanding how the drugs and other chemicals interacts with the body.

17. Biomolecules plays a key role in the cell signaling, regulation of the gene expression, and the immune response.

18. Biomolecules also plays a crucial role in the energy production and storage, as well as in synthesis of DNA, RNA, and the proteins.

19. Proteins can be classified into different types based on structure and function, including enzymes, hormones, and the structural proteins.

20. Lipids can also be classified into different types based on structure and function, including the saturated and the unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, and the steroids.

21. Biomolecules can also undergoes  changes such as denaturation, hydrolysis, and oxidation that can alter their functions and stability.

22. Study of the biomolecules at a molecular level is known as known as molecular biology. It provides new insights into basic processes of life and has different practical applications in the fields such as medicine and biotechnology.

23. Advances in the technology have allowed for  study of biomolecules at an unprecedented level of detail, providing new understanding of their role in the health and disease.

24. Biomolecules are also important in  study of evolution, as changes in their structure and function can have a significant impact on  survival and adaptation of the species.

25. Biomolecules are also important in the studying the ecology.

Some Important Questions From Biology Class 11

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Some Important Questions From Biology Class 12

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Reproduction in organismPlay Now
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Human reproductionPlay Now
Reproductive healthPlay Now
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Molecular basis of inheritancePlay Now
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Human health and diseasePlay Now
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Organism and populationPlay Now
EcosystemPlay Now
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