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Animal Kingdom Class 11

Animal Kingdom Class 11 Important Questions and Answers

Animal Kingdom Class 11 – Introduction

There are over million of different animal species that have been  found all over the world with different structures and forms, but still there are a million of new species which are yet to be found. And to avoid the confusions they need to be classified.

In this chapter we are going to study the classification of different animal species which comes under kingdom Animalia.

Animal Kingdom Class 11
Animal Kingdom Class 11

Animal Kingdom Class 11 – Questions and Answers

Q.1. In which phylum do  adults exhibit radial symmetry and larva exhibit bilateral symmetry?

A.1.  The class is Echinodermata .

Q.2. How are the pneumatic bones and air sacs important in aves?

A.2. Pneumatic bones are hollow filled and with air which helps them in flying. Air sacs are  the air reservoirs. They also regulates the body temperature and act as the cooling  devices.

Q.3. Match the following classes : 

AmphibiaAir Bladder
MammalsCartilaginous Notochord
ChondrichthyesMammary Glands
CyclostimataDual habitat 
OsteichthyesPneumatic bones 
AvesSucking and circular mouth without jaws


Amphibians – Dual Habitat 

Mammals- Mammary Glands 

Chondrichthyes- Cartilaginous notochord

Osteichthyes- Air bladder

 Cyclostomata- Sucking and circular mouth without jaws 

Aves- Pneumatic bones

Animal Kingdom Class 11 Short Tricks

Q.4. Differentiate between the  diploblastic and the  triploblastic animals.


Diploblastic AnimalsTriploblastic Animals
Diploblastic animals are those in which the  cells are arranged in the  two embryonic layers, internal endoderm, external ectoderm. For example coelenterates.While triploblastic animals are those that have a mesoderm along with the ectoderm and endoderm. For eg., chordates

Q.5. Provide a technical term for  the following:

  1. Blood filled cavity in the  arthropods
  2. A stinging organ of the jellyfish
  3. Free-floating form of Cnidaria
  4. Lateral appendages in the aquatic annelids


  1. Haemocoel
  2. Nematocytes
  3. Medusa
  4. Parapodia.

Q.6. Give an example of:

  1. Oviparous mammal
  2. Roundworm

       3.   limbless reptile

      4.  A fish possessing poison sting


  1. Duck-billed- Platypus
  2. Ascaris
  3. Ichthyophis
  4. Trygon.

Q.7. Mention role of the radula in the  Molluscs.

A.7. The radula helps in the  scraping and scratching the food and creates depressions in the rocks. Molluscs use rock as their habitat.

Q.8. What is the meaning of the term metagenesis? Give  example.

A.8. It  is the phenomenon in which one generation of plants and animals reproduces asexually followed by the  sexually reproducing generation. For eg., Coelenterates.

Q.9. What is the meaning of bioluminescence with examples.

A.9. The production and the emission of light by a living organism is known as bioluminescence. It is widely seen in the  marine animals, in some fungi, and a few terrestrial invertebrates. Jellyfish and fireflies exhibit this phenomenon.

Animal Kingdom Class 11 Quiz

Q.10. How do the endoparasites survive inside  body of the host?

A.10. The endoparasites have  following features which help them to survive inside the body of  host:

  • Anaerobic respiration.
  • Exchange of the  gases through the body surface.
  • They possess an additional organ for the attachment.
  • Well-developed reproductive organs.
  •  Thick body covering is present.
  • They have no locomotory organs.
  • Tapeworms do not have a digestive system and absorb  digested food of the host.

Q.11. Mention the two similarities between Aves and Mammals.

A.11. Both Aves and Mammals are homeotherms, i.e., warm-blooded. They have  four-chambered heart.

Q.12. What is the function of feathers in the birds?

A.12. Feathers have the following roles:

  • The feathers help in the maintainance of body temperature.
  • They provide airfoil shape for the  wings to help in flight.
  • They act as the secondary sex characters in both  sexes. The colour and markings help in attracting mates.

Q.13. Name  classes of vertebrates with two, three and four-chambered hearts.

A.13. The two-chambered hearts– 

Fish- One atria and one ventricle are present. The oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mixes together.

Three-chambered hearts- 

Amphibians- Two auricles and one ventricle

Four-chambered hearts- 

Mammals -Two auricles and two ventricles.

Q.14. Complete the following match :

Phylum/ClassExcretory OrganCirculatory OrganRespiratory Organ
ArthropodaLungs/Gills/Tracheal system


Phylum/ClassExcretory OrganCirculatory OrganRespiratory Organ
ArthropodaMalpighian tubulesOpenedLungs/gills/trachea
AmphibiaClosedClosedLungs and the Skin

Q.15. Differentiate between the  open and the closed circulatory system.


Open Circulatory SystemClosed Circulatory System
1)Blood flows through open spaces called lacunae.Blood flows through closed vessels.
2)Circulation takes a longer time.Circulation takes a shorter time.
3)Haemocoel is present.Haemocoel is absent.
4)The blood flows with slow velocity.The blood flows with a higher velocity.
5)Internal organs are in direct contact with the  blood.Internal organs are in direct contact with blood.
6)Blood flow cannot be regulated.Blood flow can be regulated.
7)Supply and removal of the materials are slow.Supply and removal of materials are rapid.
8)Materials are exchanged between the blood and lacunae.Materials are exchanged between blood and tissues through sinuses.

Q.16.What is the importance of the  pneumatic bones and air sacs in Aves?

A.16.Pneumatic bones are the hollow bones and air sacs in birds helps  in flying.

Q.17.Give examples for  animal having canal system and spicules.

A.17.Scypha and Euspongilla and the  other members of Porifera have spicules and canal system in their body.

Animal Kingdom Class 11 Notes and study materials

Q.18.Give examples of the warm and the cold-blooded animals?

A.18. All birds and mammals are the  examples of warm-blooded animals.

All amphibians -frogs, toads, and salamanders, aquatic animals, such as alligators, crocodiles, sharks,  lizards, fish, snakes, turtles, tortoises, and some insects such as the dragonflies and bees are the examples of cold-blooded animals.

Q.19.What are the triploblastic animals?

A.19.Animals with three germ layers- the ectoderm, mesoderm, and the endoderm are called triploblastic animals. All multicellular animals including  Molluscs, worms, arthropods, Echinodermata and vertebrates are the  examples of triploblastic animals.

Q.20.Differentiate between the open and closed circulatory system?

A.20.The open circulatory system is found in all the invertebrates. In this system of circulation, the blood flows freely into the cavities, as there are no blood vessels to conduct the blood flow.

The closed circulatory system is found in all the vertebrates and also in few invertebrates like the earthworms.  In this system of circulation, the presence of blood vessels helps in circulating blood throughout the body.

Q.21.What is the importance of feathers in the birds?

A.21. The feathers are found in all birds (Aves). They are the epidermal growths that form the distinctive outer covering of the bird’s body and are found on both the  wings and the tail. 

In birds, feathers help in:Controlling flight.

  1. Serve as the camouflage against their predators.
  2. In many bird species, different patterns of feathers and attractive colours are part of the sexual dimorphism.
  3. Insulating birds from water and cold temperatures and also provide insulation to their eggs and young ones.
  4. In some species of the birds like owl and woodpecker, feathers are used for balancing while walking on the ground, climbing the trees, and also helps in hearing and making different sounds like drumming, humming and whistling.

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