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Neural Control And Coordination MCQ For Neet NCERT Important Questions – Biology Class 11 Chapter 21 Zoology

Neural Control And Coordination MCQ For Neet NCERT Important Questions – Biology Class 11 Chapter 21 Zoology

Neural Control And Coordination MCQ for NEET Preperation with NCERT and previous year questions and Fully explained Answer Keys.

Neural Control And Coordination chapter is associated with NCERT Biology Class 11 and Chapter 21 Zoology.

All these questions of Neural Control And Coordination are totally based on NCERT and previous year questions.

Neural Control And Coordination
neural Control and coordination

You will also found a fully explained answer key at the bottom of this page.

Let’s solve Neural Control And Coordination MCQ For Neet NCERT Important Questions.


Neural Control And Coordination MCQ For Neet NCERT Important Questions

1) Body coordination is maintained by?
a) Nervous system
b) Excretory system
c) Endocrine system
d) Neuroendocrine system

2) Which of the following statements is false?
a) The neural system provides an organized network of point to point connection for a quick coordination
b) The endocrine system provides chemical integration through hormones
c) The neural organization is very complex in lower invertebrates
d) The human neural system includes CNS and PNS

3) Which of the following is correct?
a) CNS includes brain and spinal cord b) CNS is the site of information processing and control
c) PNS comprises of all the nerves of the body associated with CNS
d) All are correct

4) Which of the following system transmits impulse from CNS to involuntary organs and smooth muscles?
a) Somatic neural system
b) Sympathetic neural system
c) Parasympathetic neural system
d) Autonomic neural system

5) Which of the following system relays impulse from CNS to skeletal muscles?
a) Somatic neural system
b) Sympathetic neural system
c) Parasympathetic neural system
d) Autonomic neural system

6) Neurons?
a) Can detect different kinds of stimuli
b) Can receive different kinds of stimuli
c) Can transmit different kinds of stimuli
d) All are correct

7) The basic unit of the nervous system is?
a) The axon b) The dendrite
c) Cell body d) Neuron

8) Function of axon is to?
a) Bring impulse into cyton
b) Take impulse away from cyton
c) Support neuroglial cell
d) Form myelin sheath

9) Nissl`s granules are absent in?
a) Dendrons and dendrite b) Axon
c) Cyton d) Cyton and dendrons

10) Unipolar neuron / Unipolar nerve cells means?
a) Nerve cell with one Dendron
b) Nerve cell with many dendrons
c) Nerve cell without dendrons
d) Neuron with one Dendron and one axon

11) Multipolar neuron means?
a) Neuron with one Dendron and one axon b) Neuron with many dendrons and one axon
c) Neuron with one Dendron and many axons
d) Neuron wih many dendrons only

12) The third ventricle of the brain is situated in the?
a) Base of telencephalon
b) Roof of metencephalon
c) Roof of diencephalon
d) Base of myelencephalon

13) Foremen of Monro is an aperture between?
a) Lateral ventricles and 3rd ventricle
b) Diocoel and metacoel
c) Rhinocoel and diocoel
d) 3rd and 4th ventricle

14) Hypothlamus of the brain is not involved in this function?
a) Sleep-wake cycle
b) Osmoregulation and thirst
c) Temperature control
d) Accuracy of muscular movement

15) The branched tree like structure present in cerebellum is or the tree of life is?
a) Arbor vitae b) Arboreal
c) Archenteron d) Areole

16) The path of sound in the ear is?
a) Tympanum –> Oval window –> Ossicles → Organ of corti
b) Tympanum –> Ossicles –> Cochlea –> Organ of Corti
c) Organ of corti → Tympanum → Endolymph → Ossicles
d) Eustachian tube –> Ossicles –> Tympanum → Organ of corti

17) Cochlea is divided into three chambers or space :
A. Scala vestibuli,
B. Scala media,
C. Scala tympani ; Basilar membrane and Reissner’s membrane are respectively found between?
a) A and C & A and B
b) A and B & B and C
c) B and C & A and C
d) B and C & A and B

18) Foramen of Monro is?
a) Gap in pelvic girdle of rabbit
b) Foramen in the skull of frog
c) Space in brain of frog and rabbit
d) Pore in the inter-auricular septum in a mammalian heart

19) Comprehension of spoken and written words takes place in the region of?
a) Association area b) Motor area
c) Wernicke’s area d) Broca’s area

20) Corpus callosum is found in the brain of?
a) Elephant b) Pigeon
c) Crocodile d) Frog

21) Reflex action is?
a) Stimulus → Sensory → Motor → Response
b) Stimulus → motor → sensory → response
c) Reception → motor → sensory → response
d) Sensory → stimulus → motor → response

22) Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by?
a) Ependymal cells b) Choroid plexus
c) Neuroglial cells d) Neurons

23) Cerebral hemisphere is the center of?
a) Thinking b) Will power
c) Reasoning d) All of these

24) Lateral ventricles are found in?
a) Heart b) Brain
c) Thyroid d) Brain and heart

25) Medulla oblongata controls?
a) Blood pressure b) Ventilation
c) Breathing (Respiration) d) All of these

26) Cavity of vitreous humour in the eyes are situated?
a) Behind the lens
b) Infront of the lens
c) Behind the retina
d) Between the retina and sclerotic cornea

27) Iodopsin is a light sensitive (photosensitive) pigment and is present in the?
a) Rods b) Cones
c) Neuroglia d) Bipolar cells

28) Which function will be lost due to damage of occipital lobe?
a) Hearing b) Speech
c) Vision d) Memory

29) Cornea transplant in humans is almost never rejected. Because?
a) It is composed of enucleated cells
b) It is a non-living layer
c) Its cells are least penetrable by bacteria d) It has no blood supply

30) Fovea in the eye is a central pit in the yellowish pigmented spot called?
a) Blind spot b) Retina
c) Cornea d) Macula lutea

31) Iris of an eye is an extension of?
a) Cornea b) Sclerotic
c) Retina d) Both choroid and retina

32) The optic lobes in humans are represented by the corpora?
a) Bigemina b) Arenacea
c) Striata d) Quadrigemina

33) Sensory neurons of retina of eye are?
a) Rods and cones
b) Maculae and cristae
c) Pacinian and Ruffini’s corpuscles
d) All of these

34) The decoding and interpretation of visual information is carried out by which part of the brain?
a) Cerebellum b) Frontal lobe
c) Parietal lobe d) Occipital lobe

35) Protein found in eye lens is?
a) Crystallin b) Collagen
c) Opsin d) Rhodopsin

36) The size of pupil is controlled by the?
a) Ciliary muscles
b) Supensory ligaments
c) Cornea
d) Iris muscles

37) The innermost layer of the human eye is?
a) Choroid b) Cornea
c) Sclera d) Retina

38) The space between the lens and the cornea of the human eye is?
a) Vitreous chamber
b) Aqueous chamber
c) Retina
d) Iris

39) Glaucoma is an eye disease arising from?
a) Increased pressure of fluid in eye ball
b) Elongation of eye ball
c) Shortening of eye ball
d) Irregularity in the surface of cornea

40) Choroid is?
a) Middle layer of ear
b) Innermsot layer of eye
c) Innermost layer of ear
d) Middle layer of eye

41) The lens and cornea is not having blood supply. So the nutrients are supplied by?
a) Retina b) Blind spot
c) Vitreous body d) Aqueous humour

42) Photosensitive compound in human eye is made up of?
a) Guanosine and Retinol
b) Opsin and Retinal
c) Opsin and Ethanol
d) Transducin and Retinene

43) Statolith is an organ which helps in?
a) Vision
b) Equilibrium
c) Tactile stinulation
d) Chemical stimulation

44) The true sense of equilibrium in mammals are situated in the?
a) Malleus
b) Utriculus
c) Eustachian tubes
d) Semicircular canal

45) In the following abnormalities of the eye which one is a serious condition that leads to blindness
a) Presbyopia b) Myopia
c) Hypermetropia d) Glaucoma

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Neural Control And Coordination MCQ For Neet NCERT Important Questions – Answer Keys

1) D. Neuroendocrine system

2) C. The neural organization is simple in lower invertebrates

3) D. All are correct

4) D. Autonomic neural system

5) A. Somatic neural system

6) D. All are correct

7) D. Neuron

8) B. Take impulse away from cyton

9) B. Axon lacks nissl’s granules

10) C. Nerve cell without dendrons

11) B. Neuron with many dendrons and one axon

12) C. The roof of the third ventricle provides the roof of the diencephalon: its floor lies above the central part of the hypothalamus.

13) A. In the brain, the interventricular foramina (or foramina of Monro) are channels that connect the paired lateral ventricles with the third ventricle at the midline of the brain.

14) D. Accuracy of muscular movement is not the task of hypothalamus ; It involves cerebrum and cerebellum for accuracy

15) A. Arbor vitae is a branched tree like structure composed of white matter in cerebellum. It is also presumed to be the seat of soul.

16) B. Tympanum –> Ossicles –> Cochlea –> Organ of Corti

17) D. B and C & A and B

18) C. Space in brain of frog and rabbit; In the brain, the interventricular foramina (or foramina of Monro) are channels that connect the paired lateral ventricles with the third ventricle at the midline of the brain.

19) C. Wernicke’s area is responsible for understanding speech.

20) A. A band of white nerve fibres, the corpus callosum connects the two cerebral hemispheres together in mammalian brain.

21) A. Stimulus → Sensory → Motor → Response

22) B. Choroid plexus – The choroid plexus is a plexus of cells that produces the cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain. The choroid plexus consists of modified ependymal cells.

23) D. Cerebrum (cerebral hemisphere) is center of thinking, will power, reasoning and memory, experience and learning knowledge and articulate speech.

24) B. Lateral ventricles are cavities of cerebrum.

25) D. Medulla oblongata contains center for the autonomic reflex control of respiration, heart beat and these center are called vital centers because damage to them is usually total.

26) A. Behind the lens

27) B. Iodopsin is photosensitive visual pigment found in cones of retina.

28) C. Vision

29) D. It has no blood supply

30) D. Macula lutea

31) D. Both choroid and retina : The choroid is a dark pigmented thin vascular layer; thickening of the choroid in anterior forms ciliary body. Towards the front, choroid becomes doughnut-shaped iris
which is the coloured part of the eye. The iris regulates the size of the pupil. The choroid is the vascular layer of the eye that lies between the retina and the sclera. The choroid is thickest in the back of the eye at about 0.2 mm and narrows to 0.1 mm in the peripheral part of the eye. It contains
the retinal pigmented epithelial cells and provides oxygen and nourishment to the outer retina.

32) D. Quadrigemina

33) A. Rods and cones

34) D. Occipital lobe

35) A. The eye lens is made of tranparent proteins called crystallins. The proteins are arranged in approximately 20,000 thin concentric layers. The average concentration of lens is about twice than
that of other intracellular proteins & is throught to play a structural role in the lens.

36) D. Iris muscles

37) D. Retina

38) B. Aqueous chamber

39) A. Glucoma develops due to increased intraocular tension as a result of blocking of canal of schlemm. The pressure in eye rises above the normal range of 15-20 mm of Hg since to aqueous humour is not drained out into the blood.

40) D. Choroid in the middle layer of the eye which is highly vascular and covered with pigment cells.

41) D. Aqueous humour

42) B. Opsin and Retinal

43) B. Equilibrium

44) D. Semicircular canal

45) D. In glaucoma, there is over production of vitreous humour which increases the pressure in the eye and this crushes the delicate cells of the retina, causing blindness.

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