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Plant growth and development Important points

Plant growth and development Important points For NEET

Plant growth and development Important points: Plant growth and development involves a series of different processes starting from the seed germination, growth of shoot and root system, formation of the leaves, stems, and flowers, and finally, reproduction. During this process, plants produce and respond to the hormones, such as auxins and gibberellins, which regulates growth and development.

Light, temperature, water, and nutrients also plays a  crucial role in regulating the plant growth. As the plants matures, they undergoes  changes in  the structure, form and function, leading to development of different plant organs and the establishment of a root system to anchor plant and absorb water and nutrients. Ultimately, the goal of the plant growth and development is to ensure survival and reproduction of the plant.

Plant growth and development Important points, Plant growth and development Important points, Plant growth and development Important points, Plant growth and development Important points, Plant growth and development Important points

NCERT Biology Class 11 Chapter 15, 25 important points – Plant growth and development Important points

There are 25 important points on Plant growth and development Important points

Plant growth and development Important points
Plant growth and development Important points

1. Plants are the autotrophic organisms, meaning they can produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis.

2. Light is a key factor in the plant growth and development, with the different wavelengths of light affecting the different aspects of growth.

3. Soil composition and fertility plays an important role in the plant growth and development.

4. Water is essential for the plant growth, and too little or too much water can negatively impact a plant’s development.

5. Climate, including the temperature, humidity, and precipitation, greatly affects the plant growth and development.

6. Nutrients availability, specifically nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, is crucial for the plant growth and development.

7. Plant hormones plays a major role in regulating the various aspects of growth and development, including the cell division and elongation, flowering, and fruit development.

8. The process of germination involves  sprouting of a seed and development of the root and shoot systems.

9. The process of photosynthesis converts the light energy into the chemical energy stored in the organic molecules, such as sugars and starches.

10. Cell division and elongation are two key processes that contributes to the plant growth and development.

11. The formation of the lateral buds and shoots leads to development of branching and the creation of a more complex plant structure.

12. The process of phototropism involves bending of the plants towards or away from the light sources.

13. Plant roots play a crucial role in obtaining the water and nutrients, anchoring plant in the soil, and providing them stability.

14. Root systems can be either fibrous or taproots, each with their own advantages as well as disadvantages.

15. Flowers are reproductive structures of the plants and plays a crucial role in  process of pollination.

16. The process of pollination involves  transfer of the pollens from the male reproductive structure to the female reproductive structure.

17. Fruits and seeds are  products of the process of fertilization and serves to disperse species and perpetuate the plant.

18. Different plant species have the varying lifecycles, including annuals, biennials, and perennials.

19. Leaves are primary site for the process of photosynthesis and plays a crucial role in energy balance of a plant.

20. The process of transpiration involves  loss of water through leaves, and is an important aspect of the plant water balance and nutrient uptake.

21. Stomata are the tiny pores found on  surfaces of the leaves and plays a crucial role in the gas exchange and water balance.

22. Plant growth can be influenced by the various abiotic and biotic factors, including the disease, pests, and competition for the resources.

23. Some of the plants have evolved adaptations, such as thorns, to deter the herbivores and protect themselves from the damage.

24. Plant growth and development can be affected by the human activities, including the deforestation, urbanization, and pollution.

25. Agricultural practices, such as monoculture, can negatively impact the plant diversity and soil health.

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