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The Living World Important points

The Living World Important Points for NEET

The Living World important points: How wonderful is this living world! The wide range of the living types is amazing. The extraordinary habitats in which we find living organisms, be it could be the cold mountains, deciduous forests, oceans, fresh water lakes, deserts or the hot springs, leave us speechless. The beauty of a galloping horse, of migrating birds, the valley of the flowers or  attacking shark evokes awe and a deep sense of wonder.

The ecological conflict and the cooperation among the members of a population and among the populations of a community or even molecular traffic inside the cell make us deeply reflect on – what indeed is life? This particular question has two implicit questions within it. The first is a technical one and seeks answer to what living is as opposed to non-living, and  second is a philosophical one, and seeks answer to what purpose of life is. Given below are The Living World Important points.

The Living World Important points
The Living World Important points

The living World important points – NCERT Biology Class 11 Chapter 1

1. Living world is made up of a diverse array of organisms, from single-celled bacteria to the complex multicellular animals.

2. All the living organisms are composed of cells, which are the basic unit of life.

3. All living organisms requires energy to survive and grow, which is obtained through the various metabolic processes.

4. All living organisms respond to their environment in some different ways, and many have specialized adaptations that help them to survive and reproduce.

5. All living organisms reproduce in some way, whether it could be through asexual or through sexual reproduction.

6. All living organisms are classified into different groups based on the shared characteristic.

7. Organisms can be classified into the different groups based on their characteristics, such as the kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and the species.

8. The organisms exhibiting metabolism, cellular organization, homeostasis, growth, reproduction, development, responsiveness, and the other characteristics of life are labelled as living things.

9. Growth is an irreversible increase in  mass of an individual.

10. Systematics deals with  identification, nomenclature, classification, and evolutionary history of an organism.

11. To determine exact place and position of the organisms is termed as  identification that helps in the set plan of the

12. Classification is performed on the basis of the similarities and it helps in arrangement of the organisms into groups.

13. The Nomenclature is based on  international code of nomenclature,  that helps in determining scientific name of the organisms.

14. Binomial nomenclature: It was introduced by the scientist, Carolus Linnaeus and it includes system of the naming of an organism having the two components or epithets –generic name and specific epithet.

15. The arrangement of the taxonomic categories in a sequence is called as taxonomic hierarchy while each level in the hierarchy is termed as taxon.

16. The taxonomic hierarchy of a number of species includes arrangement of the sequence of the taxonomic categories in descending order.
It is as follows –
Kingdom → Phylum/Division → Class → Order → Family → Genus → Species

17. Taxonomical aids: They are techniques and procedures that help in storage of the information of specimens that help in the identification and classification of the organisms.

18. Herbarium- It  is the library that is made up of the dried, pressed, and the preserved plant specimens.

19. The preserved plant and animal specimens are collected and stored in  museum.

20. The Botanical Garden has a collection of the living plants.

21. The place where wild animals are kept in a reserved protected area that is taken care of by humans are known as Zoological parks.

22. The identification of the plants and the animals that is based upon their similarities and differences is termed as Key.

23. The book that deals with  plants of a particular region or habitat are termed as Flora.

24. In the biological studies, comprehensive information of a taxon is known as a Monograph.

25. The name of the species that are found in a particular area helps in providing the information for the identification, is known as manual.

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